Saturday, July 09, 2005

Celebrate Freedom

This 4th of July was different for me. Last year was too early, I didn't quite feel American. . . or patriotic.

But this year I was ready to celebrate the country I call home. So we did what all red-blooded Americans do for the 4th of July--we cooked out. And it was amazing.

Jay went all out and fed us all like kings. And all the rest of the guys helped grill--what all real men do at a cookout, right?

I get to spend time with new friends. . .

and catch up with the old. . .

I also got to see Stephanie get married the Saturday before. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Rice. I pray the Lord blesses your marriage. I am so thanful to be part of your lives.

The wedding was also a great opportunity to catch up with several of the families I served with in West Africa. It didn't seem like it had been so long, but it was kinda strange to see everyone all dressed up in American clothes.

1 comment:

Senegal Daily said...

Thanks for showing us Steph's wedding!