Monday, August 08, 2005

And I'll Fall FACE DOWN. . .

I was blessed to spend my weekend at the Precept Ministries National Women's Convention. The theme was "Set apart. . . passionate for truth". The Lord spoke to me about so many things that it has been hard to take it all and figure out where to start. But I feel like He wants me to start on my face.
One speaker in particular focused on this and she talked about the clarity that comes when you humble yourself like that. Another mentioned that when we are face down before Him, arms spread wide, what can be seen from above is the cross-what a cool picture.
Our pastor started a sermon series on prayer yesterday. In true Baptist fashion, we had a "special song" during the offering called "Bow the Knee". I tried to find the lyrics to share with you, but no such luck.
I spent a lot of time yesterday trying to process all that I learned and the Lord gave me a couple physical examples that parallel the spiritual state of going face down before Him.
1. In a fire, they tell you to get as close to the floor as possible-the air is clearer there and you can breathe.
2. In bootcamp soldiers devote a large portion of their time crawling on their faces (preparing for battle) to avoid the onslought of the enemy.
All of this brought to mind song:

Too Tender by Caedmon's Call
Water water everywhere
And I complain about my thirst
The prescription's in my hand
While the pain I curse

I know the longer
I know the harder
The walk will be
With my calloused feet
And my too tender knees

Stumbled upon the truth
Wished it'd get out of my way
When I see the light
I pull down the shade

If I were as smart as Christopher
I'd find a closet
If I were as weak as Samson was
I'd make a prophet

And a last great word from Beth Moore, "if you don't humble yourself, the Lord will humble your behind!"

1 comment:

Senegal Daily said...

Quel insight, Amber. Continue on determinedly in Truth.-- Jonathan