Thursday, March 13, 2008

my life, in pictures

Saw this recently and liked it, so I thought I'd try. . .

1. Answer the questions below
2. Take each answer and type in to Flickr
3. Take any picture from the first page of results, and post.

The age I'll be on my next birthday. . .

A place I'd like to travel. . .

Favorite place. . .

Favorite object. . .

Favorite food. . .

Favorite animal. . .

Favorite color. . .

Where I was born. . .

The town in which I live. . .

Favorite band. . .

First name. . .

Last name. . .

Favorite store. . .

Favorite song. . .

Favorite movie. . .

1 comment:

mrs. darling said...

Love your post!
My third (and hopefully final)interview is on Monday morning at 9am, please pray!

How are you? Heard anything?
Praying for you! I'll write a real email on Monday after I hear something! Love you!