Saturday, October 11, 2008


I got back from a work trip to a conference last night. I have to admit I wasn't stoked about this trip. But, it ended up being a really good time.

1. The Pop n' Lock champion from this years So You Think You Can Dance was there. And I got to see him do his stuff.

2. Dinner at Dante's Down the Hatch. Fondue. Yummm....

3. Dave Ramsey speaking on Leadership.

4. Matt Chandler. Enough said.

5. Working at the Compassion tent and getting to see sooo many kids get sponsors.

6. Sponsoring my first Compassion child. Marashet Simon, a three year old from Ethiopia. So cute I can't handle it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sounds like a lot of fun. Pop n lock champion- I would have loved that too. Dave Ramsey- So cool. Miss ya