Saturday, May 06, 2006

Celebrations Galore, and other stuff too. . .

It's official-I'm 28!
This week was a week full of birthday excitement. Of course there were other things distracting me so I totally forgot to take in pictures. But, Wednesday Frank, my boss, took me and Jennifer and Joanna out to lunch at LaFiesta (mexican), then Thursday night my sister and several of my friends celebrated with me at Cocina Superior (mexican once again), and since Amy couldn't be there Thursday night, she and I went and tried out a Tapas restaurant last night (yes, that's mexican too). What better way to celebrate a birthday on Cinco de Mayo. My friend Ruthie even gave me a special Cinco de Mayo shirt to celebrate in. I did break up the Mexican festivities with a trip to Flatrock with my friends from work on Friday. So, as you can see, this year I celebrated by eating, and eating a lot.
But this week was also a week of breaking for me. A lot of stuff is going on in my heart as the Lord rips some things out of my hands. I found out some news about a long lost friend and was disappointed by a new one.
Last night Amy and I thought we'd finish off the fun with a lighthearted movie. Little did we know. We ended up with "The Family Stone". And let's just say it hit a little too close to home. I sat and cried about my daddy for the first time in a very long time. But, I think it was the release I needed in general after an emotional roller coaster of a week.

1 comment:

mrs. darling said...

I was reading your comment on Kari's blog and it is remarkably similar to the email I sent her in response to her post. I thought that maybe it was just crazy me who was going through culture shock after I've been home a year and a half. I find comfort in knowing you are too...though I wish neither of us were! Strange, just when I think I have comprehended the full extent of how W. Africa has affected it goes and throws me for a loop...

I'm praying for you!
I hope everything is going great!
You look beautiful!