Friday, March 04, 2005

Drawn Out, Closed In

A couple months ago, God made me a promise. A promise that He was going to do something great with my life, and it is going to require me to trust Him big time. So, here I am with all this anticipation, and it hasn't happened yet. This morning as I was driving to work and praying, asking Him why it hasn't happened yet, what is He waiting on, He explained something to me. He wanted me to be ready. . . be ready at any time to step out on the water, but now is not the time. If Peter had stepped out on to the water at random, he would have sunk. Instead He waited on Jesus to call Him-and He was able to walk out on to the water with Him. I was talking to my friend Kate last night about how so often life feels like we are just sitting in a waiting room. . . waiting for my name to be called. . . totally abandoned to the will of the name caller, and ready at all times to respond if my name is called. If I'm sitting at the Dr's office waiting, and I pick up a magazine to read, do I ask the "name caller" to wait while I finish the article I am reading-NO-I just get up and go, ready to follow wherever they lead me-it's a mindset. So, waiting is still hard-I think it is one of the harder things we do as Christians, because we are out of control of the situation. But it can be a time of total abandon to God's voice--just waiting for Him to call me to step out on the water with Him--to trust Him with all that I am.
"I no longer feel entitled to hold the answers to the universe. . . "

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