Friday, April 16, 2004

And They Opened Up

Yesterday was not at all a fun day. I woke up early very sick. My stomach had decided to empty itself totally of its contents. So it was a long day. But, the morning wasn't so bad cause the sky decided to empty itself too. I got to enjoy the rain falling on my tin roof. Tanou came by a little after lunch time. I didn't get to spend much time with her since I could barely get out of bed. But we did get to talk for about an hour. She seems to be doing well and is enjoying her job teaching Liberian refugees about Gender-based violence.My house is all ready to actually start packing now, if I can get back to even 50%. Sometimes I think of the 14 days I have left and it feels like forever, and some moments I'm like "Oh, no! How will I ever get all this done?" Dad has really been speaking to me alot these last few days. As I draw to the end of my time, I find myself wondering exactly why He brought me here. Most of the time it doesn't seem that I have made a difference. But HE is continually reminding me about the people He has put in my path that may not have had a chance to see the Son if not for me. What a faithful Father I serve!

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