Tuesday, January 15, 2008

a little bit of humility

So. . . I've been reading CJ Mahaney's book Humility: true greatness.

As I began to read, I found myself praying for the Lord to reveal areas where I'm prideful. Not the first time I've prayed this prayer. . .

But you know what I heard myself say to the Lord?
That the things I'm prideful about are things that don't really matter.

The Bible says that out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Lord, change my heart!!

What was I thinking?
Pride comes before a fall, right?
Not big pride before a fall,
and small pride doesn't matter.

". . .pride seems to have a strange and sure way of ignoring logic all together."

God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
James 4.6

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